Locations of Nymphaea candida (Nymphaeaceae) and Nymphoides peltata (Menyanthaceae) in Kampinos National Park
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Katedra Ekologii, Biogeochemii i Ochrony Środowiska, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, ul. Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław, Polska
Online publication date: 2020-12-30
Publication date: 2020-12-30
Fragm. Flor. et Geobot. Pol. 2020; XXVII(2): 676-680
The paper presents results of research on the distribution of Nymphaea candida and Nymphoides peltata in Kampinos National Park (Fig. 1). Nymphaea candida in Kampinos National Park is known from six localities, one of which is new for this area. Four localities from the 20th century could not be confirmed. Individual localities number from a few individuals up to dense patches covering 500 m2. The main threat to the localities is progressive biocenotic succession. Nymphoides peltata used to grow massively on the old Vistula riverbanks, where it occupied the entire surface. At the only station found in 2007 the population covered only 1–2 m2, and in the following years its occurrence was not confirmed.
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