Inwentaryzacja zasobów martwego drewna
w planach urządzenia lasu i w wielkoobszarowej
inwentaryzacji stanu lasów
Biuro Urządzania Lasu i Geodezji Leśnej, ul. Leśników 21, 05-090 Sękocin Stary,
Data publikacji online: 09-07-2020
Data publikacji: 09-07-2020
Fragm. Flor. et Geobot. Pol. 2020; XXVII(1): 95-118
Systematic inventories of deadwood in Polish forests are carried out as part of two
separate activities: the National Forest Inventory (NFI), and periodic inventories of forest stands
for the purpose of forest management plans preparation. These activities differ in their objectives,
methodology and scope. The NFI has been conducted continuously since 2005, covering the whole
country; its third series was completed in 2019. Measurements of deadwood as part of forest
management planning have been carried out since 2012; data for 53.3% of the forest districts have
been analysed (229 out of 430), covering 3,989,575 ha of forest. Data from both inventories are
collected in the Forest Data Bank. A comparison of the results of both inventories for the same
areas has shown similarities, but also differences that affect their interpretation and use for other
studies. The volume of deadwood in Polish forests is relatively low as compared to guidelines in
the literature, but a positive trend has been observed in recent years.