Nowe stanowisko Ophioglossum vulgatum (Ophioglossaceae)
w Beskidzie Sądeckim
Zakład Botaniki
i Fizjologii Roślin, Instytut Biologii Roślin i Biotechnologii, Wydział Biotechnologii i Ogrodnictwa,
Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Al. 29 listopada 54, 31-425 Kraków, Polska
Data publikacji online: 01-07-2019
Data publikacji: 01-07-2019
Fragm. Flor. et Geobot. Pol. 2019; XXVI(1): 154-161
A new locality of the rare pteridophyte Ophioglossum vulgatum was found in the Radziejowa
range of the Beskid Sądecki Mts in 2016. It was situated on the edge of a mountain alkaline fen, from
where the only known Polish locality of Primula farinosa was described (ATPOL square EG3432) and
where active conservation of this species is implemented. The population of O. vulgatum comprises 28
individuals; 13 of them developed sporophyl shoots. The measures undertaken to protect P. farinosa should
support the survival of O. vulgatum as well.