Stanowisko Buxbaumia viridis (Buxbaumiaceae)
w Masywie Ślęży
Katedra Ekologii, Biogeochemii i Ochrony Środowiska, Uniwersytet Wrocławski,
ul. Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław, Polska
Data publikacji online: 31-12-2019
Data publikacji: 31-12-2019
Fragm. Flor. et Geobot. Pol. 2019; XXVI(2): 422-425
In May 2017,
Buxbaumia viridis was found in the northern part of Ślęża Landscape Park. The station is located on the
north slope of Ślęża Mt. at 620 m a.s.l. Four sporophytes of this moss were found on a Picea abies log 3 m
long. Later, in May 2018, only two sporophytes were noted. The species is found on wood of ~70-year-old
spruce trees in beech forest Fagion sylvaticae. The station of B. viridis on the Ślęża Massif was found after
148 years of absence in the Ślęża Góra Reserve. Due to the large amount of dead wood there, it does not
seem to be endangered. Intensive forest management in this area gives little chance of finding more B. viridis
sites outside of protected areas.