Nowe stanowiska Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae) w zachodniej Polsce
Katedra Botaniki, Wydział Rolnictwa, Ogrodnictwa i Bioinżynierii, Uniwersytet
Przyrodniczy, ul. J. H. Dąbrowskiego 159, 60-594 Poznań, Polska
Data publikacji online: 30-01-2024
Data publikacji: 30-01-2024
Fragm. Flor. et Geobot. Pol. 2023; XXVIII(2): 184-187
The natural range
of distribution of Senecio inaequidens is South Africa. In Poland, the species was reported for the first
time in 1987, from the main railway station in Katowice. It is currently classified as a potentially invasive
epecophyte (i.e. recently introduced, numerous but confined to artificial habitats).
In western Poland it was found in 10 new localities, each one in a different ATPOL square
(10 km × 10 km). It is growing on roadsides, occurs often after road reconstruction, and on railway grounds
without dense vegetation. The exception was a locality in Poznań, near Hetmańska Street, where coverage
of the herb layer reached 95% (Fig. 1). The species has been observed there since 2012.
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